Welcome back to part 7 of our blog series The Benefits of New Experiences. If you missed our other posts, you can catch them here. This time we are talking about how new experiences can stimulate the mind.
We have done a lot of talking about how beneficial new experiences are. Well, they make your brain super happy! New experiences are awesome for your brain development as well as having a large association with positive emotions. When your brain feels happy it affects every part of you. We want to make sure we are always maintaining our brain health. Did you know that learning or doing something new can generate new brain cells and new pathways? Even if you are doing something typical but in a new way that counts too. Take a new route to work, change your morning routine, super simple to help you get started.
Stimulating your mind even affects your memories. Think back to when you were a kid. The summers seemed endless. As an adult, they just seem to fly by. Why you ask? Well, as a kid so many things during summer vacation were an adventure. No matter if it was building a fort in the woods, or riding your bike all over the neighborhood. There are so many memories to think about that it seems to just last forever. When we turn into adults, well life becomes a routine. You don't have many distinguishable memories to think about because...routine. That's why it flies by so fast. There is nothing memorable to think about.
Make sure to create memories in your life whether big or small. Don't rely on digital experiences. In this day and age, we can't seem to get away from our phones. It's everywhere you look. Digital experiences are mostly flat. They are less memorable, important, and engaging. Not to mention they are forgotten very quickly.
Simple Joy Box is a curated subscription box designed to help you embrace the art of a slow-living lifestyle one month at a time. We take the guesswork out of finding your new hobby by introducing new creative habits that allow for more self-expression and create more simple pleasures in your day-to-day life. If you are ready to start your slow-living lifestyle, visit our website to learn more about us, and join our email list to stay up to date on our blogs.